February 2025

WIA | Chairman’s Message – December 2016

January 2017 Tony Horzen

[avatar user=”tonyhorzen” size=”160″ align=”left”]Tony Horzen Chairman of the Western Ice Association[/avatar] Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a happy holiday season. At Glacier Ice in San Luis Obispo, we get into the spirit each December by participating in our local Holiday Parade. This year we pulled all out the stops. Our float included several of our staff, dressed as [read more]

What’s Your Personality Type?!? – December 2016

January 2017 Jacquie Wells

Have you ever been working with someone and wondered what makes them tick and how best to handle situation with them? Well I have and I’m sure you have too. I have really enjoyed reading about the new “four personality types relating to the behavior of sea life”. I hope this somewhat new personality evaluation will help be of benefit [read more]