January 2025

EPIA | Managing Director’s Report – December 2021

January 2022 Jack Stensland

Europe 2022 – the place to be! It’s with great respect that I choose to comment on the difficulties that the Covid-19 has meant for the European Ice businesses. Only the icemen themselves know how hard these past 18 months have been. Since March 2020 Europe basically shut down. The horeca is a big market so losing it was tough. [read more]

EPIA | Managing Director’s Report – Get Ready to Party after the Epic Lockdown of the World

July 2021 Stan Williams

I recently saw a reposting from one of our members, Polly Marr of The Ice Company, and thought it interesting. Here is the URL: https://www.theiceco.co.uk/2014/11/know-your-cocktail-dash-fromyour-splash-cocktail-measurements-made-easywith-the-ice-co%CB%9A/. One of the many uses of packaged ice is to chill and keep drinks cold. After reading the article, a thought came to mind—Why not do something like this for the EPIA convention in Malta? [read more]