July 2024

EPIA | Secretary’s Report – March 2019

May 2019 Stan Williams

EPIA’s Financial Adjustments for 2019 & Copyrights 1 – The EPIA depends upon your financial support in order to provide a fertile platform for you to share ice industry ideas and strengthen relationships among ice men and women. Please remember membership dues are payable by the end of the first quarter of each year; 31 March 2019 for the current [read more]

EPIA | Managing Director’s Report – March 2019

May 2019 Stan Williams

Are We Polluters? As of March 2018, the European Union stated that it will require an 80% reduction of plastic bags by 2019. This means virtually every European country is now considering ways to bring about a significant reduction in the use of single use plastic bags, containers, and other items such as drinking straws. Well here we are in [read more]