January 2025

IPIA | Chairman’s Message – March 2017

May 2017 Dann Ades

Our Common Interest! [avatar user=”dannades” size=”160″ align=”left”]Dann Ades Chairman of the International Packaged Ice Association[/avatar] Spring has sprung! All the winter maintenance and projects will start to pay-off soon. As I travelled this year to the Regional association meetings, much talk was about FDA- FSMA, projects, maintenance and being ready for the summer season. We Ice guys understand the importance [read more]

IPIA | Public Affairs Committee – March 2017

May 2017 Dann Ades

[avatar user=”chrislamond” size=”160″ align=”left”]Chris Lamond Consultant for IPIA[/avatar] [avatar user=”dannades” size=”160″ align=”left”]Dan Ades Public Affairs Committee Chair[/avatar] How Will the Trump Administration’s View of Government Regulation Impact the IPIA? The title of this article poses a question that is critical to the success of the IPIA’s Public Affairs program. As you will recall from the last edition, I listed the [read more]

IPIA | Public Affairs Committee – December 2016

January 2017 Dann Ades

[avatar user=”chrislamond” size=”160″ align=”left”]Chris Lamond Consultant for IPIA[/avatar] [avatar user=”dannades” size=”160″ align=”left”]Dan Ades Public Affairs Committee Chair[/avatar] Accomplishments of the Government Affairs/Public Affairs Committee As of this writing, we are putting a bow on 2016. The end of the year is always a reflective time and, with that in mind, I thought I wanted to take a step back and [read more]

IPIA | Chairman’s Message – December 2016

January 2017 Dann Ades

[avatar user=”dannades” size=”160″ align=”left”]Dann Ades Chairman of the International Packaged Ice Association[/avatar] Looking Forward to our Centennial! The New Year is here and that makes me reflect on this last year. A lot transpired in 2016 for IPIA and we need to give recognition to our director Jane McEwen and past Chairman Tommy Sedler. Jane keeps the association moving with [read more]