January 2025

EPIA | Managing Director’s Report – Get Ready to Party after the Epic Lockdown of the World

July 2021 Stan Williams

I recently saw a reposting from one of our members, Polly Marr of The Ice Company, and thought it interesting. Here is the URL: https://www.theiceco.co.uk/2014/11/know-your-cocktail-dash-fromyour-splash-cocktail-measurements-made-easywith-the-ice-co%CB%9A/. One of the many uses of packaged ice is to chill and keep drinks cold. After reading the article, a thought came to mind—Why not do something like this for the EPIA convention in Malta? [read more]

Please Tell Me Why Is Ice Slippery?

July 2019 Stan Williams

We, as members of the EPIA, are all ice men and women in one way or another. Some of us administer the operation of the association, others build the machines and materials needed to produce packaged ice, while others perform the actual manufacturing and distribution of packaged ice. Therefore we should know a little or even a lot about the [read more]

EPIA | Managing Director’s Report – June 2019

July 2019 Stan Williams

Bilbao Convention 7-10 October 2019 We are getting ready to present some innovative ideas for our next convention in Bilbao, Spain. As the official association for packaged ice in Europe, the EPIA has now been serving ice producers, ice equipment manufacturers, and packaged ice supplies producers for over ten years. Our mission has not wavered since those early days but [read more]

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