October 2024


October 2017 Bill Bentley

Unseating the Competition. Why is it so Hard? After all, all you are asking the customer to do is: reexamine a problem that they thought they had solved; fire the current vendor (one who has become a friend and might be well-ingrained in the account); get to know a new set of people, their processes and procedures; onboard a new [read more]

Cyber Attacks Against Businesses on the Upswing

October 2017 Bill Bentley

Authorities have made significant strides in curbing individual identity theft over the last two years. But cyber attacks against businesses are on the upswing. Here are some simple ways businesses can help protect their data from hackers. Ways to Combat Business ID Theft Because business ID theft can be so costly, prevention and early detection measures are critical. Here are some simple, but effective, security measures you [read more]

Project Cash Flow to Protect Your Company’s Future

October 2017 Bill Bentley

A projected cash flow statement lays out a prediction of your company’s available funds over six months, a year, or whatever period of time you choose. The objective is to determine whether your business will have enough cash to pay the bills. It also clues you in – ahead of time – whether it will be necessary to arrange alternative [read more]

Go to Your Association Meeting and Talk with Your Suppliers

October 2017 Bill Bentley

[avatar user=”williambentley” size=”160″ align=”left”]Bill Bentley Editor-in-Chief[/avatar] They’ll help you understand what “Real Performance” Is What exactly is “Real Performance”? And, how does it impact the economics of operating the processes in your business, be they production or delivery related? Heck, measuring performance is not a new idea. However, if you don’t measure and analyze properly you’re liable to draw some [read more]