April 2024

What’s Your Personality Type?!? – December 2016

January 2017 Jacquie Wells

Have you ever been working with someone and wondered what makes them tick and how best to handle situation with them? Well I have and I’m sure you have too. I have really enjoyed reading about the new “four personality types relating to the behavior of sea life”. I hope this somewhat new personality evaluation will help be of benefit [read more]

IPIA | Chairman’s Message – December 2016

January 2017 Dann Ades

[avatar user=”dannades” size=”160″ align=”left”]Dann Ades Chairman of the International Packaged Ice Association[/avatar] Looking Forward to our Centennial! The New Year is here and that makes me reflect on this last year. A lot transpired in 2016 for IPIA and we need to give recognition to our director Jane McEwen and past Chairman Tommy Sedler. Jane keeps the association moving with [read more]

Pure-Ice Team a letter – December 2016

January 2017 Stan Williams

Dear EPIA convention in Granada Participants First of all we would like to thank you for warm welcome in EPIA Association. It was a great pleasure to meet you in both social and business points of view. We came back with new ideas and some additional Tapas kilograms in our hips:) As you probably know we were honored with EPIA [read more]

IPIA | Marketing Committee Report – December 2016

January 2017 Jeff Tyler

[avatar user=”jefftyler” size=”160″ align=”left”]Jeff H. Tyler Marketing Committee Chair of the International Packaged Ice Association[/avatar] To all IPIA members I hope each and every one of you have had a happy holiday season and are looking forward to a very prosperous New Year. As I now transition this year from the PIQCS committee chair to the Marketing committee chair I [read more]

IPIA | Associate Member Report – December 2016

January 2017 Donald Hutton

[avatar user=”donaldhutton” size=”160″ align=”left”]Donald Hutton Associate Member Conference Chair of the International Packaged Ice Association[/avatar] Fall convention season has come and gone. As we reflect on the various regionals and the IPIA’s 99th Annual Convention in San Antonio it is without a doubt that everyone, suppliers included, are anxious to learn more about the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and [read more]

2016 Supplier List

September 2016 Bill Bentley

The following is a list of association member suppliers to the Packaged Ice Industry. Every attempt has been made to make this list as complete as possible by pooling information from several sources. Many of these suppliers attend all of your meetings and support your association far beyond paying dues. [read more]

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