3rd Quarter
EPIA | Managing Director’s Report – COVID Continues to Disrupt the EPIA
Seldom has the EPIA found itself in this much turmoil. Since COVID devastated the interactions of our members and their respective businesses, it forced us to cancel the 2020 convention that was being planned for Malta. We were hopeful that all our members would be able to regain their business activities during 2021 as COVID subsided, but of course we [read more]
EPIA | Managing Director’s Report – September 2020
More Prophylactic Actions Due to COVID-19 Pandemic We packaged ice industry leaders need to support one another through this world socio-economic confusion. By working together to help each other through this, we each have a better chance than other non-EPIA packaged ice producers who have no support structure on which to rely. Our EPIA has supported all our members with [read more]
EPIA | Managing Director’s Report – October 2019
Bilbao, Spain October 2019 As the official association for packaged ice in Europe, the EPIA has now been serving ice producers, ice manufacturing equipment producers, and packaged ice supplies producers for over ten years. Our mission has not waivered since those early days but has been crystallized and focused to provide the most positive face for the ice industry in [read more]