February 2025

The Basics of Property Insurance – December 2016

January 2017 Bill Bentley

Your livelihood is dependent on the survival of your business, so it is imperative that you protect it against any potential threat—big or small. For instance, a fire could destroy your business’s warehouse and the contents inside, or a burst frozen pipe could damage important documents and valuable papers. Worse, you could have trouble paying your employees during a loss [read more]

WIA | Chairman’s Message – December 2016

January 2017 Tony Horzen

[avatar user=”tonyhorzen” size=”160″ align=”left”]Tony Horzen Chairman of the Western Ice Association[/avatar] Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a happy holiday season. At Glacier Ice in San Luis Obispo, we get into the spirit each December by participating in our local Holiday Parade. This year we pulled all out the stops. Our float included several of our staff, dressed as [read more]

What Genuinely Confident People Do Differently – December 2016

January 2017 Bill Bentley

[avatar user=”suppliermember” size=”160″ align=”left”]Dr. Travis Bradberry Coauthor Emotional Intelligence 2.0 & President at TalentSmart[/avatar] True confidence—as opposed to the false confidence people project to mask their insecurities—has a look all its own. One thing is certain: truly confident people always have the upper hand over the doubtful and the skittish because they inspire others and they make things happen. Whether [read more]

IPIA | Membership Committee – December 2016

January 2017 Sean Odom

[avatar user=”seanodom” size=”160″ align=”left”]Sean Odom Membership Committee Chair of the International Packaged Ice Association[/avatar] An Association is only as strong as its membership! I think that the IPIA is a great resource for anyone in the ice business that wants to spend time and learn from some of the best in the business! I know that it has sure helped [read more]

FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act: A Time to Act – December 2016

January 2017 Chris Dunn

[avatar user=”chrisdunn” size=”160″ align=”left”]Chris Dunn[/avatar] The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is a set of regulations signed into law in 2011. It is the biggest update to US Food Safety in 75 years! It is focused on three key areas: Prevention Increased surveillance (monitoring of your process) Better response (plans in place in case something bad happens) According to reports [read more]

IPIA | Public Affairs Committee – December 2016

January 2017 Dann Ades

[avatar user=”chrislamond” size=”160″ align=”left”]Chris Lamond Consultant for IPIA[/avatar] [avatar user=”dannades” size=”160″ align=”left”]Dan Ades Public Affairs Committee Chair[/avatar] Accomplishments of the Government Affairs/Public Affairs Committee As of this writing, we are putting a bow on 2016. The end of the year is always a reflective time and, with that in mind, I thought I wanted to take a step back and [read more]

IPIA | PIQCS Committee Report – December 2016

January 2017 David Bryant

[avatar user=”davidbryant” size=”160″ align=”left”]David Bryant PIQCS Committee Chair of the International Packaged Ice Association[/avatar] What a great honor it is for me to be elected to the IPIA Executive Board and to be Chair of the PIQCS Committee. I first would like to thank my committee for working with me this next year, a year of much work to be [read more]

Leer® Introduces a Robust 5×9 Pallet-Load Ice Merchandiser – December 2016

January 2017 Bill Bentley

About Leer, Inc. Leer is a global leader in engineering research, service quality, and manufacturing, with a rich heritage of producing award-winning American made products since 1952. Leer was acquired by Dexter Apache Holdings, Inc. in 2008. Dexter Apache Holdings, Inc. was founded in 1894 and currently is headquartered in Fairfield, Iowa. In addition to Leer, Dexter Apache Holdings, Inc. [read more]

SWIA | Chairman’s Message – December 2016

January 2017 Jesse Mireles

[avatar user=”jessemirelesiii” size=”160″ align=”left”]Jesse Mireles, III Chairman of the Southwestern Ice Association[/avatar] I would like to start out by thanking everyone who came to the International Packaged Ice Association in my home town of San Antonio, Texas this last month! It was truly a pleasure having everyone out to tour our new plant. We have come a long way and [read more]

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